Introduction ![](Justicia brandegeana bunched up.png)
Justica plants are well known on the sub tropical regions for having the unique structure of the flower attracts many people.
The shrimp plant grows in red. There is a yellow sub species too.Its year round flowering is loved by many. The flowers are deep in the casing of the leaf structure that is colored.
The nice thing that I discovered, when I was a child, was that you can actually taste the nectar of this plant by plucking the flower and putting your tongue on the other side of the flower. The sweet nectar is surely going to attract a lot of wildlife from humming birds to insects. The yellow sub species didnt have that much to no nectar that humans can taste, which I have personally tried.
Range of Habitat
Justica plants have usually warm and temperate climate zone hardiness. It grows from USDA hardiness zones 8-11. If killed during winter it quickly grows back in summer.(2)